Sunday, January 2, 2011

Feed me!

Everyone seems to make New Years Resolutions... they usually involve losing weight, eating healthier, being nicer to our bodies... yeah - about that...

Instead of being boring and going for those typical things, I decided that I'd much rather eat much more interesting meals instead of worrying about being uber healthy. I figure that the more fresh ingredients in my diet, the better - so here is this blog.

Plus, I just got a new iPod touch and am pretty obsessed with its capabilities, including having a pretty awesome camera. So, I'm going to document the food I make - at least until it becomes boring. My goal is to have a new sandwich (for school) every week, but we'll see how that actually pans out.

Feel free to follow me on my journey, or don't - whatever. I'll be eating and loving it, and hopefully not pulling a Julie/Julia project where I go crazy and gain weight :)

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